Tuesday, March 17, 2009

For the beauty of the Earth

"The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world."

Psalm 19:1-4

I can still remember having a holy transcendent moment with God in the middle of my Freshman Biology class at McMaster University - a time, truth be told, that I did not have many. I remember the professor lecturing on the intricacies of the human cell, and how all these microscopic parts worked together in such an economic yet marvelous way to make the cell function. I was momentarily taken aback at just how perfect the design was. As I stared at the cellular structure diagrams, I could not help but see the fingerprints of the One who dreamed them up, and I felt a sense of awe to be able to witness a small part of the Creator's brilliance.

I have since had similar blessed moments in my life when the evident work of the Creator's hands has led me to a place of worship: the sun setting over the Pacific ocean and painting it different shades of orange and red, cold streams spilling down the Green Mountains of Vermont into a quick moving river, a clear night in the wilderness where the heavens seem to come alive with bright pinpricks of light, the wonderful birth of my two sons (words can't do this one justice).

All of these events, and the many more that I did not recount, served to point me to the blessed Creator and give Him praise and glory.

I think David had some similar holy moments within creation. For to him, the starry heavens at night were not just beautiful in themselves - they declared the glory of God. The skies did more than just go on and on and on - they proclaimed the work of God's hands. God's creative brilliance both tells us and shows us a little bit of His glory. In the work of His hands, we see both His artful imagination, and His perfect design. God reveals a little bit of Himself to us in and through that which He created and that which He continues to create.

Emerson said, "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not." This quote resonates with me, because God's handiwork has many times strengthened my faith. The beauty of the earth has assured me of God's beauty. God's care for the sparrow has assured me of His care for me. Watching the sun rise every morning assures me that God is faithful. Witnessing the flowers emerge from the ground each spring assures me that Christ also rose from the ground.

I am reminded on this day, that I too am fearfully and wonderfully made by God. I too, like the heavens and the skies, was made according to His good pleasure and was designed to declare His glory and point people to Him. Oh, Lord, give me the strength to live my life in such a way that people see the fingerprints of your authorship and want to give you glory.

May you notice the creative brilliance of God on this day, and may it lead you to a holy place of trust that implores you to worship Him.

Be God's, Scott

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