Thursday, March 11, 2010


"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." 1 Cor. 10:12-13

Go ahead, take know you want know you need it...doesn't it look good? How can you just look at it, and not take it? Just one isn't going to hurt you...c'mon grab it, indulge...if you don't take it someone else will...might as well be you.

So what was that one thing for you? What was it? We all have those things don't we? Things that we know aren't good for us, that like to tug and pull at our senses - promising us a momentary jolt of satisfaction. These temptations have been known to derail the lives of great men and women over the years. Some temptations are relatively harmless, like Ice Cream or Pickles (or both if you're pregnant) - others can be very dangerous like drugs or adultery. The common denominator with all temptations is that they lead you away from obedience to God, and, if you think about it, finding your satisfaction in Him. Sin is like that though, isn't it? It ultimately devours and destroys you.

The Devil has been playing the same con for years - holding up something shiny and tasty for us to consume and be satisfied that pulls us away from God. Many have been led astray by his hollow promises. So what can we do to avoid temptation - especially the ones that can really do us damage?

I have a number of really good friends who are admitted addicts. They know temptation - it's power and pull, as well as the collateral damage it can leave in its wake, better than most. They could tell you very quickly how best to avoid temptation, as it's found in their 12 steps: the very first thing to do is to admit that you were powerless over the addiction (ie. the addiction/temptation was stronger than you), the second thing was to believe and turn to One more powerful than the temptation to deliver you (ie. turning to God and letting Him strengthen you to overcome the addiction). My addict friends know full well that the only way they can overcome their temptation is by first admitting their own weakness and then by turning to God for His strength.

As Paul says in the above Scripture, when dealing with your temptations..."if you think your standing so firm, be careful that you don't fall" in your sinful state the sin and temptation is stronger than you. And like the addict, when you are tempted, don't try to go it alone, rather turn to God, "He will provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

Be God's, Scott

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